this is just the most absurd review i've ever seen in my entire life! these things i must share! my source is "junk mail" or the time warner cable monthly nearly useless mailer to inform you how you can spend more money from the comfort of your own home!
don't get me wrong i love time warner, but i get the feeling that they just pick someone without much work to do that day to write their reviews...
alas, how can one hold such contempt for someone so obviously ill equipped for the task at hand... but i found it to be quite amusing upon first read, as i'm sure you will, perhaps i am resentful of the lack of talented criticism in my own work...
wait, i'm digging myself deeper into a hole! no, i don't want to be judged cruelly for the sake of cruelty, i.........oh forget it!
(and she storms off with a wink and a nudge... and she hopes there is no notice of the flick of her hair and that last chagrin as she exits stage right....)
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